Morning Worship 08/21/16

What is your purpose?

Message: The gospel according    to Luke
Text: Luke 4:1-4
~Purpose. Is this one life you have so trivial that you would be content to go thru it without a sense of God-given  purpose?
~Passion. The 1st Adam and the 2nd Adam, both tempted by food. Hunger is a sign of health
Francois de La Rochefoucauld,   "Great souls are not those with fewer passions and more virtues than the ordinary run, but simply those with a stronger sense of purpose."
Psychiatrist Gerald May,  "In reality, our lack of fulfillment is the most precious gift we have.  It is the source of our passion, our creativity, our search for God.  All the best of life comes out of our human yearning - not  our being satisfied."
Glenn Jenkins,  "This is the desire of the Hindu, a state of passionless peace."


Morning Worship 07-03-16

Message: The Gospel according to Luke
Text:  Luke 2:41-52
Joseph and Mary:
What is the greatest human need?
1) You watch me do it
2) I help you do it
3) I watch you do it
4) You do it
John 5:18
Knowing God as your Father
Oswald Chambers,  "As soon as God becomes real, other people become shadows.  Nothing that other saints do or say can ever perturb the one who is built on God."


Morning Worship 05-29-2016

Christ paid a debt He didn't owe to pay a debt we couldn't pay.
Charles Colson,  "Psychiatry, properly administered, can turn a schizophrenic bank robber into a mentally healthy bank robber; a good teacher can turn an illiterate criminal into an educated criminal.  But they are still bank robbers and criminals."

Don Matzat,  "We need a crucified savior, not a support group." 
Message: The Gospel according to Luke

Text: Luke 2:8-20

 Some social gospel in Trumann:

Stepping Stone Sanctuary

Homeless shelter, daily soup kitchen (lunch) some carry out boxed food

912 Speedway. Rev Jeff Weaver, pastor at First United Methodist,     870-239-1768

The Ark

After school ministry for students, meals for children during school and summer

In the old Kohn Bray building on Ozark. Rev John Booker, pastor at Old Landmark Worship Ctr,  870-227-9600

Trumann Food Pantry

Boxes of food available Mon, Tues, Fri, 10:00-2:00. Mon nights,  5:00-7:00, emergency food after hours available by calling.

610 Walnut. Pantry director is Ms Terry Dunham, 870-273-6048

Morning Worship 05-22-16

What is "important" in your life?

Message: The Gospel according to Luke
Text: Luke 2:1-7
Caesar Augustus was the most powerful man in the world at the time Jesus was born and placed in a manger because that’s all they had. I know where Jesus is...where is Caesar Augustus?
Why a cattle trough in Bethlehem?
Mozart,  "Remember, merciful Jesus, that I am the cause of your journey."
The good news is not that Jesus lived and died, but that He died and lives.
Philip Yancey,  "In Jesus, God came close...What differences did Jesus make?  Both for God and for us, He made possible an intimacy that had never before existed."
Henri Nouwen,  "There is no journey to God outside of the journey that Jesus made."


Morning Worship 5-15-16

What do you need to pray about right now?

Message: The Gospel according to Luke
Text: Luke 1:57-80
Prayer and Praising
It’s exciting when we see the fulfillment of our prayers and God’s promises...and disappointing when we don’t
The desire of your heart is your prayer. Your burden is your matter what your mouth says
Soren Kierkegaard's prayer,  "I do not feel that I am strong enough to resemble You and in so doing die for You or for Your cause;  I content myself with something less, with worshipfully thanking you  because you would die for me."


Morning Worship 05-08-16

How should we view our children?

Message: The Gospel according to Luke
Text: Luke 1:39-56
~God is the author of life...and is the sole authority
Cardinal Joseph Bernadin's letter to the Supreme Court.  "Creating a new right to assisted suicide will endanger society and send a false signal that a less that perfect life is not worth living."
~Mary and Elizabeth had an incredible anticipation of what God would do with their children. The issue of children is one of the most emotional issues we will deal with. Hardly anything else in life brings so much joy or pain
~A child of God


Morning Worship 05-01-2016

What do you think God can do?

Message: The Gospel according to Luke

Text: Luke 1:23-38

 Vs 32, 35 — The only begotten Son of God. (Mt 1:1-2, Gen 1:27) In light of what comes before and after Jesus’ birth, for the gospel to be non exclusive makes no sense. If there is another way…

Vs 35 — Virgin birth, inherited sin. We only sin because we choose to...but we all will choose to. We inherit our bent to sin from our fathers. Jesus inherited His bent to not sin from His Father

Vs 37 — We sometimes think we know God “can,” but aren’t sure if He “will.” Sometimes we need to consider “can” again


Morning Worship 04-17-2016

What does it mean to be freed from sin?

Message: The Gospel          According to Luke
Text: Luke 1:15-17
What is our ultimate problem?
Ben Franklin, “No form of government will work if the people are bad. Almost any form of government will work if the people are good.”
Theologian Joey Rupard. “We are all in various stages of recovery.”
Free or Free Fall?
Welcome mat at theologian Tony Byrd’s back door, “There is nothing in this house worth dying for.”
Beware of the sin you are not struggling with!


Morning Worship 04-10-2016

What is God saying when he's not speaking?

Message: The Gospel According to Luke

Text: Luke 1:5-22

The two responses of Zachariah

1st response:

After 400 years, God’s silence was all Zachariah had ever known. He hasn’t forgotten what he is supposed to do, so he doesn’t need God to remind him.

When you don’t know what to do, continue doing the last thing God told you...until He tells you to stop.

Has God told you to stop?

2nd response:

God had been silent for so long and Zachariah & Elizabeth had been childless for so long, he thought it was the end of the road, but instead it was a bend in the road. 

Can you recognize a bend in the road? Is God working around you right now but you’re not seeing it or believing it?